It certainly has been a while, a
long long while. A year of damnable irrelevancy. But don’t you worry, in
the time I’ve been MIA in the cyber-sphere I’ve compensated with more globetrotting and cringe worthily awkward shenanigans!
In between return flights, finishing my undergraduate degree, mountains of applications
and a series of hair graying, nerve fraying, earth shaking (I know, I know slightly dramatic) interviews I have let my blog fall to the wayside. But, I am here, back to breathe life into it
again, Aslan from Narnia style.
Prepare yourself blog for an Aslan style pick me up |
Now don’t worry I still have a
well stocked arsenal of Japan stories to tell, like taking a trip to one of the
scariest zoos ever, getting growled at by Ojii-sans, serenaded by a biker gang, lost
in Hiroshima, and planting rice in the mountains of Kyoto! And I've collected a bunch of new blundering adventures as well, like my return to Germany, Florida, and New England! So if travel stories and lapses in judgement tickle your fancy then prepare thyself, there's plenty to go around!
And if you’re reading for the first
time and have no idea who I am, where I am, or why I’m writing find the answers
to your burning questions
here (if they aren’t there then leave a comment or
send me an
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